Learning by Design
Douglas Fisher & Nancy Frey
We are professors at San Diego State University in Educational Leadership and focus on policies, classroom practices, and school leadership. For over two decades, our work has been dedicated to the knowledge and skills of caring teachers and school leaders needed to help students attain their goals and aspirations. Our shared interests include instructional design, curriculum development, and professional learning. We are co-authors of articles and books on literacy and leadership, including Teaching Reading Playbook, How Leadership Works, and The Restorative Practices Playbook.
In 2007, with our colleague and friend Ian Pumpian, we founded Health Sciences High and Middle College, an award-winning open-enrollment public school in the City Heights neighborhood of San Diego. There we learn from students, teachers, and families every day. We strive to have an impact in everything we do.
Doug and Nancy have authored professional development books on topics from literacy to Visible Learning, Professional Learning Communities and more. Each book is based in research and grounded in Doug and Nancy's experiences.
Our professional learning events provide educators an opportunity to network and learn from colleagues as well as walk away with tools, ideas, and action plans they can immediately implement.
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Bring our consulting services to your schools and districts to help your educators focus on building their knowledge of evidence-based practices and provide implementation support.
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Turning surface learning into deeper understanding is key in back-end scaffolding. 3 essential elements to keep learning alive post-lesson:
— Douglas Fisher (@DFISHERSDSU) July 26, 2023
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